
Sunday, 12 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi everyone! Hope you are all enjoying this Mother's Day despite the nasty weather. I ended up staying home with my family for most of the day. We actually went through our old family albums during the afternoon and took a nice trip down memory lane. I thought I'd share some of these lovely memories with you because it was certainly nostalgic and fun for me =).

My mom and baby me!
I can't believe I fell asleep right before the Disney fireworks
Rockin' my fake Hello Kitty sweater
My adorable little brothers and I on Christmas day

Today was also the last day for Happy Hour at Starbucks. I totally took advantage of it and got 4 venti frappuccinos (for my family of course), although I probably looked crazy for doing so. Drinks always do taste better when they're half price, or better yet, free!

Enjoying my venti green tea frappuccino

Shortly after that, we had our Mother's Day dinner with my grandma at a local Chinese restaurant. I always love talking with my grandma because she is such a sweetheart =).

Grandma, mom and I during our Mother's Day dinner
Anyway that's about it! Just thought I'd write a quick post before I start the work week tomorrow. I imagine I'd be far too tired to blog after work but I will try my best. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening!


P.S. Go Leafs!

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